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.. leadership requires a clear voice

The Government-backed GrowthAccelerator service was launched to provide support and advice to help the UK's brightest businesses realise their full potential. Following a year of low take-up and high proportion of unsuitable applications, we provided the brand with a more focused direction that would improve awareness among the right people.

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  Within one year, sign-up to the service increased by 116% – with 90% of all applicants meeting the selection criteria.   We created: Brand proposition, messaging framework, visual identity, brand guidelines, digital launch campaign, online and prin

Within one year, sign-up to the service increased by 116% – with 90% of all applicants meeting the selection criteria.

We created: Brand proposition, messaging framework, visual identity, brand guidelines, digital launch campaign, online and printed report, direction for the production of a fully refreshed sales toolkit. With the team at 999 Design.